Enjoy Maui’s Year-Round Tropical Temperatures With Your Very Own Fabmac Home (and Deck!)

 Enjoy Maui’s Year-Round Tropical Temperatures With Your Very Own Fabmac Home (and Deck!)

If you live on large swaths of the mainland, then the winter can be a challenging time. Snow, sleet, ice, and cold blanket entire regions of the Upper 48 and Alaska, making daily tasks that much more of a challenge and recreation, relaxation, and restoration but a dream until sometime around April or so (and sometimes not until May!).

If you live in Maui Nui…then it’s typically around 80 degrees when we’re saying Mele Kalikimaka!

While it’s true that living in paradise has its benefits, there remains one rather large issue, even if you are fortunate enough to call Hawai’i home: if you don’t have the outdoor space for you and your ‘ohana to luxuriate, then your holiday season (and every other season to boot) just isn’t quite as enjoyable as it could be—and that’s a true shame.

Fortunately, Fabmac Homes is here to help you and yours put together an outdoor living space that’s every bit as alluring as your indoors, and all for an affordable price!

Fabmac Homes are Your Ticket to Enjoying the Outdoors from the Comforts of Home

It’s easy to forget that your home’s living space is more than the square footage indoors; it’s also our outdoor areas as well. Decks, garages, gardens, and lawns are an integral part of turning any house into a true home, and we’re proud to offer our island residents the chance to have a truly spectacular space both inside and out.

Fabmac Homes are Maui Nui’s #1 provider of eco-friendly, affordable housing, building custom homes for the kama’aina of the Valley Isle—and for our island neighbors in Maui County!—and soon for O’ahu and the Big Island as well.

We can build you a beautiful home with customization such as sliding glass doors, your very own garden paradise, and so much more—and all for a price that’s far more affordable than the units typically seen on the market today. Houses like this on the open market are all but guaranteed to set you back well over half a million dollars, what with the current median sales price (median = the midpoint of all home sales figures for a particular month) hovering around one million dollars for the past two-plus years—with no signs of slowing down, either.

In fact, while you’re at it, let Fabmac Homes build you a home that can also come complete with:

  • A porch
  • A deck
  • A carport or garage
  • Sliding glass doors

If you’re ready to truly enjoy the outdoors from the comfort of home this season, then be sure and get in touch with Fabmac Homes so we can get started on helping you choose the perfect home for you and your ‘ohana. We’re proud to be Maui Nui’s builders of choice for green, affordable, and stylish homes, and we’d love nothing more than to help you set your foundation here on the Valley Isle. Aloha!