Custom Manufactured Homes
Built with aloha, at a price you’ll love!
We build top quality, genuinely affordable homes for the people of Maui. (Coming soon to Oʻahu and Hawaiʻi Island as well!)
1-2 bedrooms
Great for Ohanas!
3-4 Bedrooms
Great for single families!
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Tiny Homes With Big Style—Don’t Miss Your Chance to Secure Yours Today!
Tiny Homes With Big Style—Don’t Miss Your Chance to Secure Yours Today! They say it takes a village when it comes to raising a child, but such a sentiment also holds true when it comes to discussing the ongoing housing crisis across the Aloha State. The median sales...
It’s Your Lucky Day, Maui—These Homes Are Ready and Raring To Go!
It’s Your Lucky Day, Maui—These Homes Are Ready and Raring To Go! You might have noticed that the Valley Isle—and the Aloha State at-large—are in the midst of a severe housing crisis. Just how severe? According to statistics released by the REALTORS® Association of...
How a FABMAC Home Gives You More Bang for your Buck in Hawai’i
How a FABMAC Home Gives You More Bang for your Buck in Hawai’i The holidays have come and gone, and unfortunately they brought even more bad news for the kama’aina of Hawai’i: Maui saw yet another million-dollar median sales price for single-family homes to close the...
Say Aloha to Your New Fabmac Home in the New Year
Say Aloha to Your New Fabmac Home in the New Year 2022 is just about in the books, and what a year it was: the median sales price for single-family homes hovered over a million dollars across most of the Hawai’ian Islands for most of the year, and several islands set...
Enjoy Maui’s Year-Round Tropical Temperatures With Your Very Own Fabmac Home (and Deck!)
Enjoy Maui’s Year-Round Tropical Temperatures With Your Very Own Fabmac Home (and Deck!) If you live on large swaths of the mainland, then the winter can be a challenging time. Snow, sleet, ice, and cold blanket entire regions of the Upper 48 and Alaska, making daily...
Fabmac Homes—Durable, High-Quality Homes Built with Aloha
Fabmac Homes—Durable, High-Quality Homes Built with Aloha It sure is hard out there for would-be homeowners on Maui these days. Instead of draining your bank account on a cramped, subpar condo development, why not invest in your very own, custom manufactured home with...